Wednesday, August 25, 2010

There's a New Designer in Town!

Some of you may have noticed that I'm sporting a brand new blinkie in my side bar.  That's because one of my favorite Creative Teammates has decided to throw her hat into the designing ring and I could not be more excited!  Introducing: Finecrafted Designs!! 

What a debut she's made with her kit, Good For What Ails You.  If you're looking for vintage medical items and ephemera this is the place to find it.  There is also an ATC add-on and a really cool FREEBIE!!!  That's right, a Freebie, so you can see for yourself how great these images are.  Of course, you can find them all at DeviantScrap.

Please see my Flickr page for full credits

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous medical collages- really stunning and creative Amy- love these!


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